• I entered to the elementary school Simon Bolivar

    I entered to the elementary school Simon Bolivar
    I entered to this school at the age of five years old , and i was vey happy
  • I won the spelling bee

    I won the spelling bee
    I won the spelling bee in the fourth grade of the elementary school
  • I bought my first dog

    I bought my first dog
    I bought my first dog and that was the happiest day of my life
  • I entered to the high school Liceo Londres

    I entered to the high school Liceo Londres
    I entered to the high school Liceo Londres and it was a big change for me, in México the high school Is divided in two parts, i entered to the first three years
  • I won a science competition in the school

    I won a science competition in the school
    I won a science competition in the school and i was very happy
  • I entered and finished the second grade of high school

    I entered and finished the second grade of high school
    In this year i knew the physics and it was very important to me
  • I entered and finished the third grade of high school

    I entered and finished the third grade of high school
    I felt a lot of sadness and emotion at the same time for the last year of the first part of the high school
  • I started going to the Comipems course

    I started going to the Comipems course
    I was very excited about my future and my new school
  • I did my Comipems test for my new high school

    I did my Comipems test for my new high school
    I was very excited at that time because that moment had a lot of importance
  • I entered to the UNAM the best university in Latín America

    I entered to the UNAM the best university in Latín America
    at this moment I felt very proud of myself