my life.

  • my birth, i was born at 11:30

    my birth, i was born at 11:30
    my birth date
  • my trip to florida

    we had a lot of fun in Florida, me and my grandma, it might have been 2015 or 2016 i don't remember exactly
  • changed schools and met my new best friends

    Malaika and Alex are my best friends and i met them during a move to south east cedar rapids
  • Period: to

    covid started and impacted me and my family

    death and misery for all.
  • we went to see my grandma in carolina

    me and my mom flew to Carolina and stayed with my grandma
  • we got my little sister

    she was a foster member at first but then we HAD to adopt her even tho they don't even know how to raise a teen yet, her name is Alaiyah Hussey, and shes 4 now
  • started middle school

  • i met my online best friends <3

    Jas and Allison are the best
  • grandpa died.

    i miss him.