• my life

    my life
    I've managed to improve my life since I was little
  • my life

    my life
    I could make my first communion and eat the body of Christ
  • my life

    my life
    get through the first stage of my education
  • my life

    my life
    I started a new stage of life that was the bachelor
  • my life

    my life
    I started to detach myself from my family and grow
  • my life

    my life
    begin to innovate in drawing and embrace it for my life
  • my life

    my life
    I traveled with many relatives that I did not see many years ago
  • my life

    my life
    I could buy the play thanks to the effort I saved
  • my life

    my life
    My family and I took a trip to the beach to enjoy the vacation and reunited with other family members who came from far away.
  • my life

    my life
    learn to ride a motorcycle thanks to my dad although my dad has a lot of time because he works all day long he taught me
  • my life

    my life
    I hope to pass this quarantine well and that we can all pass all this well healthy and we can return to our lives
  • my life

    my life
    to be able to learn much more English and prepare myself more in study
  • my life

    my life
    I started preparing myself for the 11-year-old pigs so that I can do well
  • my life

    my life
    adopt a puppy love it and enjoy and went out to play with it
  • my life

    my life
    save enough to buy me a cell phone at Christmas since it was damaged in mine
  • my life

    my life
    be able to start in grade 11 well with health and wanting to do one more year of learning
  • my life

    my life
    to be able to enter an architecture preparation academy and start learning about it
  • my life

    my life
    to be able to graduate with honor and with good grades in 11 and to finish my second stage of education
  • my life

    my life
    to get a good score in the pigs and to be able to enter a good university and start a new stage
  • my life

    my life
    to start making a design to build a house for my mother to enjoy