My life

  • i was born

    i was born
  • my sister was born

    my sister was born
    Her name is Lola she is 11 now
  • my brother was born

    my brother was born
    His name is Max and he is 8 now
  • my dad died lol

    my dad died lol
  • we moved back to Arizona

    We were living in Mississippi that is where my brother was born and dad yk
  • i got my cat precious

    i got my cat precious
    She is now 5 years old she was my moms ex-boyfriends but then he gave her to me
  • my mom almost died

    my mom almost died
    She was internally bleeding and lost almost half her blood but shes good now
  • i got my 2 other cats misty & simba

    i got my 2 other cats misty & simba
    they were meant to be for my brother and sister Simba being for my brother and misty for my sister
  • Trip back to Florida

    Trip back to Florida
    We went with my moms side of the family and stayed there for about a week maybe
  • Went to Mexico with my best friend

    Went to Mexico with my best friend
    It was my family that was going for thanksgiving and she got to come with us
  • Went back to Mississippi

    Went back to Mississippi
    We went back to Mississippi to see my moms family and stayed with them for a really long time during the summer
  • Went to Florida again from Mississippi

    Went to Florida again from Mississippi
    We all decided to take a last-minute trip to Florida with my moms family and we stayed for 3 days then drove back to Arizona