"My Life" ๐Ÿ‘

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born on September 24, 2007 in the municipality of Granada, in the blablablabla hospital, I was born healthy without difficulties, it was a wonderful day for my family
  • my baptism

    my baptism
    I was baptized the year after I was born in Barranca in the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church
  • my primary

    my primary
    I did primary school in Granada in a little school called Camilo Torres, Montoyita campus, where I studied up to grade 3, because we were going to travel to Barranca
  • my move to barrancabermeja

    my move to barrancabermeja
    At this stage my family traveled to Barranca to stay and live there since the whole family was in Barranca and when we arrived an aunt put us up at her house while we looked for a home.
  • when i get hit by a motorcycle

    when i get hit by a motorcycle
    That happened when I left school and was going home when I was 8 years old, so I tried to cross a road but I couldn't see to the sides because two cars were blocking my vision.
  • the death of my sister elizabeth

    the death of my sister elizabeth
    the death of my little sister elizabeth was the twin of my other sister isabella it was a very hard event since it marked us, she died because she had drowned with the umbilical cord and when she was born, she was stillborn but the good thing about this is that isabella was able to come out well
  • The death of my cat

    The death of my cat
    This was a fact that hurt me a lot, since I had an intense affection for it and the worst thing is that I saw how it died slowly poisoned and without being able to do anything because it was too late, it was my last pet