my life

  • age 1

    when I was born in Dallas Texas on may 19 2007,I was born covered in cornstarch because from what ive been told that was what my mom's pregnancy craving was fast forward to when I got cleaned off I had medical issues I was born with johndees and I had to be kept in the hospital for a while after I was born but throughout this entire situation I was told that all my family did was pray and let God do what was in his will I say that to say this situation is a strong part of my belief in God today.
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    my life

  • age three

    this was the year before I moved to arkadelphia from texas and I was beginning to learn baseball from my older cousins and this was the starting point for me to become an athlete
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    age 7 to 10

    from ages 7 to 10 this would be around the time i started getting migraines really bad and had to start going to the hospital to get anesthesia to knock me out so i could sleep away the pain.(this is all i remember from these ages)
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    age 11 to 16

    from ages 11 to 16 I just explored everything about myself and how to observe others. when i was about 14 I decided to start learning boxing and other martial arts but just on and off I committed to doing so when i turned 15 and when i turned 16 i started talking to other people about sparing and learning new skills in boxing as well.