my first day in the 8th grade
i was scared to come to school on the first day of school -
My second day in the 8th grade
well i got use to the school and i wasn't that scared any more.So i just had a blast and worked in my class. -
my third day in 8th grade
by the time that pasted i got used to ever thing and i knew my way around the school like reading my name. -
my fourth day in 8th grade
i was doing normal things any person would do i was working on my work that the teacher gave me. -
my fivth day in 8th grade
well i got use to everything so i got kind of bored of it,but i just did the same things that i would normally do. -
my sixth day in 8th grade
it was football season and i was checking my grades everyday for i don't need to drop out. -
my seveth day in 8th grade
i was in my math class learning how to slove problems that i didn't know what to do. -
my eighth day in eight grade
It was my firsts day in 8th grade i got a little scare,i didnt know what to do but then i saw my friends and i just went up to tell and told them whats up -
my ninth day in the 8th grade
i was in reading class doing vocabluary assignment. -
my tenth day in 8th grade
i was in science class leraing about plants and other stuff. -
my eleven day in 8th grade
i was doing home work and trying to slove a problem that i didn't know how to do. -
my twevle day in 8th grade
it was a great day to be remebered my me.I had a blast with my friends. -
my thirdteen day in 8th grade
i was foucs on my work trying to do my best on every work that i got from a teacher. -
my fourteen day of 8th grade
on that day i was just thinking about how am i going to do on my test that i have to do. -
my fivthteen day in 8th grade
i got used to the school stuff then i got bored on the stuff that they were hanging out,but then i said oh well. -
my sixithteen day in 8th grade
i was in tech apps ding my daily assignment.Then i had to do a projected or it was a learing.com -
my seventhteen day in 8th grade
i was social studies learing about tariffs and other types of things that happen back then. -
my eighteen day in 8th grade
i was in in the football statduim learing some football moves -
my nineteen day in 8th grade
i was studying taht day becuase i knew that there was a test coming up so i had to study. -
my twelnty day in 8th grade
well i have been in school for 3 weeks and i like wow i think that i am going to make through the year.