My Life

  • My dad

    My dad
    My dad was born in Riobamba, Ecuador. Her parents are called Martha and Washington Flor
  • My Mom

    My Mom
    My mom was borned in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Her parents are named Ana (just like her) and Vicente Zambrano
  • My Brother

    My Brother
    My brother was born in Quito, Ecuador.
  • Maria Paula

    Maria Paula
    My cousin Maria Paula Heredia Flor was borned in Quito
  • Luis Flor

    Luis Flor
    My cousin Luis was bron in Washington DC, United States.
  • Birth

    I was born at 11:55pm in a Friday.In Quito, Ecuador. My parents are named German and Ana
  • Beatriz Zambrano

    Beatriz Zambrano
    My cousin named Beatriz was born in Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • Tel

    I started in playgroup at the age of 2.
  • My bestfriend

    My bestfriend
    I met my bestfriend called Alejandra Jaramillo in Tell and I always said she was mine. I always faught witha friend of hers and I kept saying she was mine. Since then I call her Miale.
  • Colegio Menor San Francisco de Quito

    Colegio Menor San Francisco de Quito
    I entered Colegio Menor to PreKinder Sanki when I was 4 years old and I met my other bestfriends.
  • Valentina Cantillana

    Valentina Cantillana
    I met Valentina Cantillana when i was in Prekinder and I was with her in all the classes until sixth grade.
  • Sophia Aragonez Flor

    Sophia Aragonez Flor
    My little cousin was born in Madrid, Spain
  • Kiki Riofrio

    Kiki Riofrio
    I met Cristina Riofrio and she became by bestfriend since then.
  • Gabriel Eduardo Zambrano

    Gabriel Eduardo Zambrano
    By little cousin was borned in Austin, Texas.
  • Califronia, Wisconsin, Illinois.

    Califronia, Wisconsin, Illinois.
    I went to Califronia in Summer 2013. I went to Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Monterey, Chicago and Milwaukee