My Birth
I was born in Abington Hospital. My mom, dad, and brother were excited. I was a small baby and I was bald for a very long time. I am fall baby. I like the summer. -
The world trade center was hit by two planes hijacked by Al Qaeda. The pentagon was also hit by a hijacked plane. On September 11th of 2001 and 2,819 innocent Americans were killed in these acts of terrorism. Our nation was shocked and devastated. Fear was spread across the United States. This act of terrorism sparked war and created tension.
http://ic.galegroup.com -
USA Patriot Act
George W. Bush was "signed into law" in October of 2001. Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act is the full name of the act. This act allowed for the US government to reach and obtain personal data from cell phones and internet traces. This was supported at the time because the 9/11 attacks had just occurred and the American people wanted to feel safe.
https://www.justice.gov/archive/ll/highlights.htm -
Homeland Security Act
The Homeland Security Act was yet another reaction of the United States government to the 9/11 attacks. Its goals was to make America more secure and safe for its citizens. It was passed by 118 members of congress and signed into law by George W. Bush in November of 2002. The act made it easier for communication and efforts to be combined through out different departments and agencies of the United States.
https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/issues/homeland-security -
Amber Alert Bill
Amber alerts are named after 9 year old, Amber Hagerman, who was kidnapped and killed in Texas in 1996. The purpose of the Amber Alert was implemented to prevent what happened to Amber Hagerman to other children throughout the United States. Amber Alerts create a national awareness for missing children, a system like this had been used on smaller scales but never nation wide before.
www.galegroup.com -
My Sister was Born
Claire Elizabeth Van Buren is my little sister. Claire is one of the best people I have ever met and I am very lucky to have her in my life. She is currently a sassy, outgoing, funny, and crazy 13 year old girl, with a head full of crazier curls. -
Jumping on the Bed and Hitting My Head
I was jumping on a bed with my cousin in Maryland at my grandmother's house. Long story short, I fell and hit my head on a wall. I cracked my head open and was rushed to the hospital. I had a very bad concussion and the doctors discovered that I had chiari malformation. -
Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Katrina was a category 3 hurricane that hit New Orleans in late summer of 2005. Levees built to hold back Lake Pontchartrain, Lake Borgne, and other bodies of water broke and the city was flooded. About 80% of the city was "under some quantity of water," by the time the storm ended. The Fedreal government was not aware of how bad the situation was in New Orleans, which delayed aid. Sadly nearly 2,000 people lost their lives.
http://www.history.com/topics/hurricane-katrina -
Election Of Bush, Second Term
George W. Bush was born on July 6, 1946, in New Haven Connecticut. He attended Yale & Harvard University & was first elected in 2000. Bush dealt with the 9/11 attacks and responded by invading Afghanistan, in attempt to capture Bin Laden. During his first term, Bush was well liked and received approval from America. America did not like Bush's response to hurricane Katrina though. Bush was criticized for having such a slow reaction.
http://www.history.com/topics/us-presidents/george-w-bush -
First Day at Ancillae
I started at Ancillae Assumpta Academy in second grade. Ancillae, or AAA, is a co-ed catholic school teaching grades k-8. AAA is located across the street from McDevitt and Cheltenham High School. My first teacher at Ancillae was Ms. Smith. The first friend I made at Ancillae is named Meghan Rose Zwicker. We are still best friends today. -
Stock Market crash of 2008
The US stock market was in its greatest recession since the Great Depression in 2008. The stock market began to collapse around 2006, when the United States' economy began to collapse so did other countries' economies around the world. Those who were greatly affected by the recession were average Americans. This was because many had to be fired and wages were lowered greatly.
www.galegroup.com -
Election of Obama, First Term
In the 2008 election, history was made when Barack Obama was elected the first African American president of the United States of America. Obama became the 44th president. Obama attended Harvard University and ran as the Democratic nomination, against Hillary Clinton.
http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/barack-obama-elected-as-americas-first-black-president -
Bin Ladin Killed by U.S. Forces
Osama bin Laden, the leader of Al Qaeda, was killed by U.S. forces in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Bin Laden was responsible for the planning the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center & Pentagon. A DNA test, facial recognition & confirmation from one of Bin Laden's wives were all used to confirm that it was him and not some one else. Americans were relived to know that Bin Laden was dead & gone but they still know a threat remains. http://www.cnn.com/2013/09/09/world/death-of-osama-bin-laden-fast -
Sandy Hook School Shooting
December 14th of 2012, Adam Lanza opened fire in Sandy Hook Elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut. A total of 26 people were killed, 20 children and 6 adults. All of the children were only six to seven years old . The first call for help was made at about 9:30 in the morning. Lanza shot himself when police showed up at the school.
http://www.cnn.com/interactive/2012/12/us/sandy-hook-timeline/ -
Boston Marathon Bombing
During the world's oldest marathon in 2013 Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev set off bombs on the trial. Three spectators and three runners lost thier lives, the youngest being an eight year old boy. The bombing also resulted in 16 amputies, a 7-year-old girl was the youngest and another 260 people were injuried. Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were both cought soon after the bombing occured. http://www.history.com/topics/boston-marathon-bombings -
7th Grade Lacrosse Championship at Ancillae
Our Ancillae varsity girls lacrosse team went undefeated all season, to earn the Catholic League championship against Notre Dame. This was a big deal because Ancillae hadn't won in six years. We had to thank our coach, Ms. Rag. Because she made us the fastest team no matter who we played because she made us run sprints all the time, every practice, all season long. -
8th Grade Lacrosse Championship at Ancillae
The varsity team went undefeated again, to win the championship against Villa Maria. This was important because it proved that we had talent, and though the sprints did help, they weren't everything. This was also exciting because it was my last year at Ancillae. -
8th Grade Abington Lacrosse Chamionship
The Abington Girls Lacrosse Club went undefeated all season and went on to win the PAGLA East championship 8-6, beating Horsham. This was very exciting because my dad has coached this group of girls, including Abby Thomas, Anna Joseph, and myself since 5th grade. -
Gay Marriage Legalized in the U.S.
The supreme court ruled gay marriage legal nation wide on June 27th of 2015. Previously 14 states had banned gay marriage in the U.S., now those states must comply with the supreme courts ruling of legalization. President Obama claimed the supreme courts decision a, "victory for America."
http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-33290341 -
First Day at Abington (9th Grade)
My first day of public school in seven years did not go very smoothly. I got lost many times at the junior high that day. The teachers and students were helpful and good at giving me directions though. I don't remember much, but I do remember walking home from school thinking, "This should be an interesting year." -
New Transportation Funding
Congress passed a long term plan to fund for the nations highways and transit systems. This new bill gave 305 billion dollars towards the effort. And about 205 billion of those dollars will go to highways alone. This is significant because it is a long term funding plan, unlike past plans which have not exceeded over two years.
http://thehill.com/policy/finance/262171-obama-signs-305b-highway-bill -
Orlando Shooting
The Orlando shooting was the most significant terrorist attack on the United States since 9/11. A total of 49 people were killed by Omar Mateen, an 29 year old American. Mateen had pledged to Isis and his ex-wife said she believed him to be mentally ill. The FBI had investigated Mateen years before, but did not find him to be a threat. Police reacted with caution, shooting started at 2:02 and Mateen was killed at 5:53.
http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/12/us/orlando-shooting-timeline/index.html -
Mimi is Sick
My grandmother became very sick this summer, we almost lost her. Wee were very lucky though. I had to stay home, but the rest of my family visited her in Maryland. While I was home alone for three days, I learned that it is hard to be an adult and that I really don't like it, especially because I cannot drive. -
California Bans Sinlge Use Plastic Bags
California was the first state to ban the use of single use plastic bags. California did this to try to save marine life. Another motivation was to reserve our environment. When first proposed, the law was postponed by plastic bag manufactures who managed to obtain enough signatures on a petition.
http://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article11084876.html -
HHH Tryouts
HHH stands for head, heart, and hustle. This is what my travel lacrosse team is called. HHH's girls program is only two years old, but its boy's program is very well known, respected, and talented. I wasn't sure what to expect at the tryouts, so I was stressed. I ended up making the team, this is important because I now can make new friends and continue to grow and learn more about the game.