My Life

  • Birthday

    I was born in Miami, USA. At the Jackson memorial hospital.
  • 1st day of School

    started my first day of school at CBSM in pre-nursery when i was just 2 years old.
  • Birthday of my Brother

    Birthday of my Brother
    I went with my family to Miami because my brother was born
  • My Dad became a Mayor

    my dad became Santa Marta's mayor because the president named him.
  • Grandmas Birthday

    i went with mi whole family to Panama to celebrate my grandmas 74th brthday
  • Europe

    met Europe with my sisters, my brother and my mom
  • Emaus

    i made a espiritual retire in minca for 1 weekend
  • EuroTrip

    traveled with some of my classmates and friends to Europe, Greece and Dubai during 36 days
  • Sweet 15

    i had a reunion with my friend for my 15th birthday at the club
  • First Communion

    i made my first communion when i was in 3rd grade with all my class mates