1 year old
I start walking and started to grow my teeth -
2 years old
I could already speaking well and beginning to understand the cartoons.And I grow up a lot -
3 years old
I start to play soccer and entered my first school. One change in my body was that my teeths grew a lot -
4 years old
I learned to swim and I also stopped using nozzles -
5 years old
i started fighting judo and fell my first tooth during a fight.And also was my first year on oswaldo cruz and in the summer starting sufing -
6 years old
I started playing football at the wallau and broke my first bone in a judo class. -
7 year old
already knew how to read and write and I had no apparent change in my body and starting to ride a bike without training wheels -
8 year
i started training for detroit my first football team that was the year that started to fall all my teeth -
9 years
I went to disney and I got injured in the groin for the first time -
10 years
Was the year I won my first title at Detroit and my hair change the color. -
11 years old
I went to california and I used dental braces for the first time -
12 years old
I did my first Science fair and started grow pimplees in my face.Tnd it was my last year at Oswaldo Cruz. -
13 years
This year has not materialized yet but I already started surfing standing up very well and in half a year I grew 10 cm which was the largest amount I have ever cried in half a year in my entire life.