My Life

  • Birth

    I was born in Saskatoon.
  • My Sister's Birth

    My Sister's Birth
    My sister was born 18 months after me in Lloydminster.
  • First Day of Kindergarten

    First Day of Kindergarten
    I went to Winston Churchill School for my first three years
  • Moved to Martin Browne

    Moved to Martin Browne
    My family moved in the summer of 2010 and I was forced to go to Martin Browne School for Grade 3
  • Joined Karate

    Joined Karate
    I joined karate the same year I went to Martin Browne and I graduated two belts in the same year.
  • Moved to Rendell Park

    Moved to Rendell Park
    After one year in Martin Browne I had to move to Rendell Park for grades 4-6
  • Won Gold and Bronze in Karate

    Won Gold and Bronze in Karate
    I won a gold medal in kata, which is a series of moves you have to memorized and bronze in sparring.
  • Grade Six Graduation

    Grade Six Graduation
    I graduated from grade six with all my classmates in celebration of moving to middle school
  • Went to Greece

    Went to Greece
    I went to Greece with my grandparents for six weeks and spent the majority of it with my Aunt and Uncle
  • First Day of Middle School

    First Day of Middle School
    I went to Bishop Lloyd after finishing elementary school
  • Broke My Foot

    Broke My Foot
    I broke my foot on the second day of school during Phys. Ed class
  • Got My Braces

    Got My Braces
    I got my braces since my teeth were extremely out of line and I had to wear them for around 26 months
  • Joined Football

    Joined Football
    I joined Darrian's football team after I lost interest in Karate
  • Went to Arizona For the First Time

    Went to Arizona For the First Time
    I spent this Christmas in Arizona with my Grandparents and all of my extended family. I was there for around a week