The day I was taken home
When I was taken home I was sleeping my parent had every thing ready for me. My bed,room,toys,clothes every thing a baby need was all ready their for me. -
Learning how to ride a bike
I was five when I learned how to ride a bike my parents would let me go down a small hill to practice I would sometimes fall but I got up and tried again. -
Why I didn't start school on time
When I was getting enrolled to school I recently moved we didn't a bill to verify were I lived so I couldn't go to school during that time. -
My new school
When I was in the first grade I all ways thought i was in the third grade I went to Parsons Elementary. It was a big school it had two floor and when we had recess our field was big as a football field. We would play foot ball all the time. Then I went on to second grade The same school still the first day our teacher made pancakes with chocolate and strawberry she gave us plates and forks with milk during class. Then when I was finishing that year it was sad. -
My uniform school
When I found out that I had to wear uniform I didn't want to go to school but I went to school any ways it wasn't that bad then that I expected -
The day of indapendence
The day of independence is the day of the president. -
My Life
This timeline will talk about my life in this world so far how it feels in this generation how it is to be a kid still and how it felt to be baby. -
when I started middle school
When I started middle school I was in elementary it was a k-6 I didn't go to a real middle school till the seventh grade.