My Life

  • My Life

    I was born
  • Period: to

    My Life

  • My Life

    First trip to Disney World
  • My Life

    First ER visit (for stitches)
  • My Life

    Started Pre-School
  • My Life

    Became a big sister
  • My Life

    First sports trophy
  • My Life

    Caught first fish by myself from the ocean
  • My Life

    First big roller coaster (Carolina Cobra)
    (it wasn't REALLY big, but it was big for my age)
  • My Life

    Went to New York and saw the New York Yankees play for the last time with Derek Jeter
  • My Life

    Learned to rollerblade
  • My Life

    Won 1st place in the Math Olympics
  • My Life

    Got a puppy (Rusty)
  • My Life

    A tree fell on my house, almost killed me, and then we had to relocate
  • My Life

    Saw The Little Mermaid at the Cape Fear Regional Theater