• Enter-pre garden

    Enter-pre garden
    When I entered pre-kindergarten, I saw children crying, miraculously I didn't cry, because I felt it would be good to get out of the house
  • I meet my brother for the first time

    I meet my brother for the first time
    On that farm when I was six years old they introduced me to my half brother, he is older than me by a year, we both hit it off
  • Death

    death appears for the first time, taking my maternal grandmother and my dog ​​katy
  • I know my adoptive uncle

    I know my adoptive uncle
    My mother adopted a child, she raised him as if he were her son, but in my grandmother's name
  • I spent my first Christmas with my family

    I spent my first Christmas with my family
    I say first because my mom and dad worked on Christmas dates
  • I win a sports scholarship and a trip

    I win a sports scholarship and a trip
    I won a scholarship and they took me to Santa Martha, I visited beaches and played on an elegant court
  • Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday
    My birthday is December 7, the day of the little candles
  • my graduation

    my graduation
    I graduated from primary school
  • playing basketball

    playing basketball
    I started playing basketball in 2020, I won scholarships, tournaments and classified as outstanding in the children's category
  • happy Halloween

    happy Halloween
    this was my first halloween with friends, i dressed up as a bad cat with eimer
  • Drum

    After learning to play the piano and quitting, I decided to learn to play tambora.
  • I went to the gay march

    I went to the gay march
    I don't identify myself, I'm straight, I attended and that was my first gay march