The Day I Was Born
I was born on the 9th Of July in the year 2004 -
The Day Diego Was Born
We were raised together. -
The Day My Little Brother Was Born
My younger brother was born on the 15th of September in 2009 -
The Day My Little Sister Was Born
My younger sister was born on the 21 of January in 2009. -
The Day Dulce Was Born
We were raised together -
The day I Started School
I started school in 2008 -
The Day I Started Fourth Grade
I started the school named Navasota Intermediate. -
The Day Christian Was Born
We were raised together -
The Day I Started Jr High
I started Jr High in -
The Day I Went To Mexico
The Day I Went To Oklahoma
I went to Oklahoma for the first time in -
The Day My Bunny Was Born
MY bunny was only 2 months when i got him. -
The Day I Got Chickens
My uncle gave us 5 baby chickens to take care of until they grow up. -
The Day I Went Over To My Best Friend's House
I went over to my best friend jenny's house for her birthday. -
The Day I Went Shopping With My Friends
I went shopping with my friends for a friends birthday. -
The Day I Went To The Movies With My Friends
I also went to the movies for teresa's birthday. -
The Day I went To A Restaurant With My Friends
We also went to wings n more for teresa's birthday. -
The Day I Got A Bunny
I got my bunny on a Saturday and his name is panda. -
The Day I Went To The Galleria.
I went to the Galleria on a sunday -
The Day My Best Friend's Sister Had Her Baby
Jenny's sister had her first baby girl.