My Life

  • The Day I Was Born

    The Day I Was Born
    I was born in Hutchinson, Kansas.
  • When My Sister Was Born

    When she was born I wouldn't let go of her in the hospital, but now all I want to do is get rid of her.
  • First Day of Pre-school

    I met my first friend and she pushed me off the monkey bars.
  • Moved with Grandma

    I moved in permanently with my grandma.
  • First Time I Ate Mud

    My brother told me it was a mud pie and I wanted to try it.
  • First Day of Kindergarden

    First Day of Kindergarden
    I learned the letter 'A'
  • When We Got Rid of my Dog's

    When We Got Rid of my Dog's
    We got rid of my 2 vizslas named gunner and lady.
  • When My Mom Came Over With A turtle

    My mom came with a turtle and we took it back to Cow Creek.
  • Got Puppy

    Got Puppy
    I got my dog and i started training her. Her name is Snuggles.
  • My Friend Got a Puppy

    My Friend Got a Puppy
    My friend Emily got a puppy named Bentley.
  • My 13th Birthday

    My 13th Birthday
    I TURNED 13
  • My Cousin's Dog was Put to Sleep

    My Cousin's Dog was Put to Sleep
    My cousin's dog Dante was put to sleep because of cancer.
  • Met my Best Friend Emily

    Met my Best Friend Emily
    I met my friend in 3rd grade and we've been friends ever since
  • I Went to Oklahoma

    I Went to Oklahoma
    I went bowling, dodgeball, ice skating, and to a trampoline park. It was a 5 and a half hour bus ride there and back but it was worth it.