Harry potter
harry potter and the order of the phoenix hits the theatre the exact year of my birth as well as ratatouille, spiderman 3, and 300. -
Pablo's BEAUTIFUL Birth
My birth was late. and my birth was also induced. they also didn't know if I was a boy of a girl. My grandma was in the room as well. -
My Name
My parents eventually called me Pablo. but originally it would be Maximilian Kai or since they didn't know if I was a girl or they they would have called me Gabriela if I was a girl. -
Where I Lived
My first house I ever lived at was at 6421 Judson avenue. This was where I lived for 10 years of my life developing memories before later moving to my new home which I wont say. -
Disappearance of Madeleine McCann
Disappearance of Madeleine McCann at the age of three. crazy to thiink about. people think she may have been found. maybe. -
Snapchat is finally launched and I know Snapchat is pretty popular so I had to put this on there. -
Ebola breakout in Africa killing ove 11000 people. This was the biggest ebola breakout ever. -
First Day of Tae-Kwon-Do
This image shows my first day of tae-kwon-do next to my master of whom I do not know the name of. But tae-kwon-do was pretty awesome. This image was taken in the dojo. -
Kobe Bryant Death
Kobe Bryant dies unexpectedly in a helicopter crash with his daughter. died in calabasas CA. -
One of The Best Hikes Ever
This was a hike I went on and I found tons of breakaway ice that you could smash on my head my dad was here and it was a great bonding w/ my dad.