my life

  • i am born

    I was born at 6:09 AM
  • my sister did not get born

    I was supposed to have a sister but my mom had to get rid of her sadly
  • my brother was born

    My brother was born his name is Luke anad he is in 3rd grade,
  • My first cousin was born

    My first cousin ever was born and i was excited
  • We got my first dog

    His name is bernie and he is a black lab and we still have him
  • My first day of school at kindergarden

    It was at Harrison. I cried a lot on the first day but then I got used to it.
  • daycare

    I had to go to a daycare and I made some new friends there
  • We got my second dog

    We got my second dog
    We got my second dog. Her name is Kyra and she is actually bernie's mom and we still have her too. In the picture you can see bernie behind her.
  • my first cat died

    His name is Sammy and he is an orange cat and we had to put him down on new year's eve but we wanted to keep him for two days for the new year. We never put him down though he died on his own on the morning we were going to put him down
  • I started virtual school

    I was pretty nervous
  • my 2nd cat died

    my 2nd cat died
    This was probably the saddest day of my whole life because my cat was my best friend. His name is Jaxy and he was very funny and cute. His favorite thing to do was sleep in the bathtub while it was empty.
  • I started middle school

    I started school here at roosevelt.