My Birthdate
I was born on May 1, 2002, at 1:20pm in Emmanuel St. Joseph Hospital in Omaha, Nebraska. -
I Move to Kansas
When I was 3 years old, my dad was being relocated for his job, so we all moved to Topeka, Kansas, where I spent 3 years of my life. -
I Meet My Best Friend, Will
When I lived in Kansas, I met my best friend, Will Hamilton. My whole family was friends with his, so I spent time at his house very often. To this day, we still talk a little on Social Media, and my family used to take vacations every summer to Kansas, when I would visit Will for a day or 2 on our trip. -
1st Day of School in Minnesota
I Move to Minnesota
I Join Cub Scouts
My Family Gets our Rabbit, George
I Become a Boy Scout
My Cousin Passes Away
I Transfer to MNCS for 7th Grade
I Transfer Back to SPMS in 8th Grade
First Day of High School
I Join Marching Band
I Get Hired at Culver's
My First Speech Meet
Period: to
National Scout Jamboree
I Get my Driver's Permit
Period: to
Family Trip to South Dakota
I Pass my Eagle Scout BoR
Last Performance of "Footloose: The Musical"
My Eagle Scout Court of Honor
I Get Hired at Hy-Vee
Period: to
Band Trip to Europe
I Place 4th at Minnesota State Speech Tournament
SPHS Fun Run/First 5K
I Get my Driver's License
First Cross Country Meet
Last Performance of "West Side Story"