The day i cut my own hair
i had a boy hair cut for the rest of my childhood -
The day i jumped off my roof
the day i got my ears pierced
people thought i was a boy so i had to get my ears pierced -
I had my biggest surgery
the day i got my hedgehog
walnut -
high school graduation
University of Arkansas or KU -
med school
Dr.Davis -
First real job
family time
what does your timeline tell you about yourself?
My timeline tells me that i had a pretty unusual childhood and i experienced stuff that other children did not. -
how different would i be?
i think i would've been a lot different. If i wasn't born with joint issues i wouldn't have had my surgeries and i would most likely still be playing volleyball or swimming, or any of the sports that i can't do. i think that if one event changed in my life everything else would've changed. -
how flexible/fixed doe syour futire seem to be?
My suture seems pretty planned out, i now that once i get to college i could change everything about the job field i want to be in. Right now my future seems pretty set in stone.