My life

  • I was born

    I was born on 6 August in Milano
  • birth of my brother

    On March 7 2009, my brother was born in biella. I was very happy!
  • my first day of school

    my first day at school was exciting because we did not do anything all day!
  • My first day on horseback

    in truth it all happened by chance: I had recently discovered that my cousin far away had a riding school, then one day, since my father worked and my brother wanted to go see the "demolition derby", my mum decided to take me to the riding school to see him but, to my great surprise, they made me get on a pony !!! I was so happy :)
  • My first show jumping competition!

    I was very excited, my first race had finally arrived !! I could not believe!
    The race was located in the riding school of Borgo D'ale.
    I participated with Claire, a taller pony, and thanks to her, which is the fastest of all the handling, I arrived 1st in the category 20 cm and 2nd in the 40 cm !!