my life

  • i was born

    my mother had to have a secion becuse harley block my exit.
  • Period: to

    from i was born to today

  • Period: to

    my life

  • i got spinal meningitis.

  • i almost dead in the hotsbitle.

  • i got home from the hostbitle

  • my grampa died form a hart attack on a riding mower

  • i was thron thow a window m=by my bother

    i was suspost to be tkeing a nap but i was jumping on my bed with my bother and he jumped down with a lot of forse and it made me fly thown the window.
  • my cat mightnight had her babys a day before mt bother b day.

  • in tryed to get my friend exsaver out of a tree and i fell and get in pelled were my a panie line

  • a cat lost its tell on are porch were named it halftell.

  • push a antik door to a book shelf and ot broke and cut me.

    push a antik door to a book shelf and ot broke and cut me luckly are naber was a nres her got it to stop blooding but i moved and it starte again my mom and dad got there and toke me to the hostbil onthe way i got light haeded my dad was not holing the cut and i lost 1and 1/2 pint of blood.
  • i am doing a timeline

  • is my school b-day

  • i will be 14 year old