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My Life

By nkahn
  • Birth

  • First Words

  • First Steps

  • Moved To West Windsor

  • Sister is Born

  • Preschool

  • Move to Princeton

  • Kindergarten

  • 9-11

  • Start Playing Piano

  • Period: to

    Competitive Diving

  • Best Friends with Nicola

  • Book Club/ Publishing Company Founded

  • First Time to Disney World

  • Best Friends with Tegan

  • First Year of Summer Camp

  • First Time Out of the Country

  • Grandfather Dies

  • Diving Accident

  • Last Year of Summer Camp

  • Start High School

  • First Time at ASP

  • First Concert

  • First Time in Europe

  • Foreign Exchange

  • Grandmother Dies

  • Bard Summer Writing Program

  • Driver's License

  • Accepted to Reed College

  • Last Year on ASP

  • Started College At Reed

  • Graduate College

  • Start Job

  • Publish First Book

  • Married

  • Buy a House

  • Child

  • Become a (Slightly) Boring Adult

  • Book #2

  • Become (Moderately) Famous

  • Travel the World

  • MOAR book stuff

  • Win Some Sort of Prize

  • Retire to New Zealand

  • Period: to


  • Die