• my birth

    my birth
    I was born smaller than normal, the doctor told my mother that I would not live long because of a rare condition I had, but here I am still alive because weeds never die.
  • birthday

    My mom gave me ice cream that day and I was happy.
  • roller skates

    roller skates
    I loved skating and as a little girl I wanted to skate professionally but I didn't eat properly and I hurt my knee for life and I can't skate.
  • costumes

    My mom enjoyed making us homemade costumes for Halloween.
  • haircut

    I wanted to be pretty more than anything in this world and I thought that by cutting and straightening my hair I would look good and I cut it very short
  • my fifteen years

    my fifteen years
    I had a great time on my fifteenth, they gave me many gifts and I danced the waltz with my dad and my esparza boyfriend.