My life

  • my birth

    i was born about an hour away from my moms birthday! but ended up being born on valentines day instead now i get extra candy!
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  • my first christmas

    it was my first christmas ever!
  • first day of preschool!

  • first day of kindergarten!

    it was my first day of kindergarten! at grant elementary
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  • first grade first day!

    starting first grade
  • trying out hockey!

    i tried out hockey
  • my first practice for hockey!

    my mom signed me up for hockey
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  • my first hockey game

    this was the first hockey game
  • playing on the roughriders rink!

    playing a game of hockey during a real hockey game
  • my last hockey game

    this was the last of hockey sadly
  • 2nd grade!!

    this was 2nd grade
  • third grade!

    third grade at grant elementary
  • 4th grade! and last grade at grant elementary

  • first day at taylor! 5th grade

    i started 5th grade at taylor after my stepmom got me into the school
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    school switch

  • derecho

    the derecho
  • first day of middle school

    first day at roosevelt middle school
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    middle school

  • 7th grade

    first day of seventh grade