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My life

  • Born

    in South Carolina
  • 9/11

    I don't remember it
  • Florida Hurricanes

  • Started Kindergarden

    at Dyess Elementary school in Abilene, Tx
  • Christmas

    My dad came to my class dressed as Santa
  • Parents divorced

  • Moved to Florida

  • Started 4th Grade

    at Hallmark Elementary School
  • Obama is elected

  • PB oil spill

  • Started 6th Grade

    At Brown Barge
  • Met my best friend Jamie

  • Met my future Girlfriend, Alexi

    We didn't start dating until last year
  • Started High School

  • Started my Senior Year

  • Alexi's first surgery

    She had her left cervical rib removed
  • Started dating Alexi

  • Alexi's second surgery

    She had her 2nd and final extra rib removed
  • Seattle for Christmas

  • Got accepted to college

    At USA