Mr. Duperre was born in Springfield, MA at 9:28 am. He was 6 lb 5 oz and was 19 in long. His mother wanted a boy and was very excited! -
Elementary School
When Mr. Duperre was 5 years old he started Kindergarten at St. Bernard School in Enfield, CT. -
High School
Mr. Duperre graduated from Fermi High School in Enfield, CT -
College Years
Mr. Duperre graduated from Westfield State College with a bachlors degree in Elementary Education. -
On July 9, 2010 Mr. Duperre married Lindsey N. of Enfield CT. -
Masters Degree
Mr. Duperre earned his Master's Degree in Education from Cambridge College -
First Child
Mr. Duperre welcomed the birth of his first son, Brendan Michael Duperre. -
Second Child
Mr. Duperre welcomed his second son, Cameron Robert Duperre into the world