1997 - April 13 birth -
Period: to
the birth
one years
1998-started to walk xD -
two years
1999-walking and I could run, I change my home district -
trhee years
. 2000-Between kindergarten kukulcan -
four years
2001-first year of kindergarten -
five years
2002-second year of kindergarten -
six years
2003-third year of kindergarten -
seven years
2004-another year of kindergarten -
eigth years
2005-first grade -
nine years
2006-second grade -
ten years
2007-third grade -
eleven years
2008-fourth grade -
twelve years
2009-fifth grade -
thirteen years
2010-sixth and final year of primary -
fourteen years
2011-first year of secondary -
fifteen years
2012 seconds in high school -
sixteen years
2013-last year of high -
2014-high school campus 10 current school