Patricia Thompson assignment # 1

  • Crayons

    I was 2 1/2 and probably using crayons by now.
  • Pencil

    I started kindergarten.
  • Telephone

    This was the first time I used a phone.

    I called the boy I liked to see if he was coming to church.
    I was almost 10.
  • Television

    The people I was babysitting for had a new TV.
  • Typewriter

    Highschool typing class
  • Bookkeeping Machine

    Bookkeeping Machine
    Worked at 1st National Bank in Phoenix, Arizona.
  • Adding Machine

    Adding Machine
    Worked in the accounting department of Bonanza Airlines in Las Vegas, Nevada.
    I was very good at it.
    Ran it at top speed, the machine couldn't go any faster.
  • Computer

    Could not get it turned on.
    The on button was in the back.
  • Computer 2nd attempt

    Computer 2nd attempt
    My husband assured me I couldn't hurt the computer.
    "Play with it."
    I killed it and it took him 3 weeks to figure out what I'd done wrong.
  • E-mail

    First one was with Juno.
    Second one was with Yahoo, still have it.
    Now I have one with g.mail.
  • Cell Phone

    Cell Phone
    Don't know what I'm doing, but I'm trying.
    It is one of the originals and I only use it for phone calls and texting.
  • HAM Radio

    HAM Radio
    Couldn't get it turned on.
    The power button was so tiny and the 'pw' on the tiny button needed a microscope to be able to read it.
  • Flatscreen TV

    Flatscreen TV
    Traded a large box of Captain Crunch cereal for it.
  • Google

    I love using Google Earth.
  • Facebook

    Posted to my granddaughter on my husband's Facebook page.