My life

  • Birth

    Born in DF.
  • Halloween

    My first halloween.
  • Kinder garden

    Kinder garden
    In August get in kinder garden.
  • Primary

    I enter elementary school in August 2009.
  • Shooting guard

    Shooting guard
    I am part of the escort.
  • Flag billet

    Flag billet
    We represent the primary and we compete at regional level with other school. Which was sponsored by the NFL. We were in second place.
  • High school

    High school
    In august enter high school "Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz".
  • Hook

    I receive and adopt my dog. Still with me.
  • Competition

    In second grade win a contest on the inclusion of the older adult. This took place in the garden of the elderly.
  • Foundation Want

    Foundation Want
    It was an award to all the guys that are part of this foundation. Win a medal of academic excellence. The award took place in Six Flags Mexico.
  • 15 years

    15 years
    My 15th birthday which I celebrate with all the people I love.
  • Concert

    It's a moment that I treasure a lot sinse I saw my favorite artist play: Marilyn Manson.
  • Exit

    High school exit.
  • Enter UNAM

    Enter UNAM
    I started classes in UNAM, of the best things that have happened to me because it wasa goal that was achieved, now I have to work hard every day.