• My Birthday

    My Birthday
    I was born at Mercy Hospital at 9:56, weighing 6lbs 14oz and was 20 1/2in.
  • My Brother's Birthday

    My brother was born at Copley Hospital at 10:19 weighing 7lbs and was 21in.
  • I Cut My Head Open

    It was the forth of July and I went to help my dad grab chairs from the car to watch the fireworks. I sprinted to the car tripping on my flip flops resulting in me banging my head off the curb causing a gash near my eyebrow.
  • I Started Playing Travel Baseball

    I Started Playing Travel Baseball
    I started playing for the North Aurora Storm 8u (at the time).
  • I Cut My Arm Open

    I Cut My Arm Open
    I was bit by a shark... just kidding. I actually was trying to be an acrobat on my basketball hoop as we had gone to the circus the day before. I climbed up my basketball pole and it was dewy so my hand slipped so consequently my body did too and I slid down the pole catching my arm on a bolt. The bolt slit my arm open causing a gash 3 inches long, 1 inch wide, and 1 inch deep.
  • I Started Playing Travel Basketball

    I Started Playing Travel Basketball
    I started playing for the Wheatland Wizards 9u team (at the time).
  • My Broken Arm

    My Broken Arm
    I was playing at a playground climbing on top of the monkey bars. My shoes slipped and I was falling face first so I stuck my arms out to stop myself from face planting. My right arm took all the impact breaking my radius and ulna.
  • I Joined SCET

    I joined a cohort of 30 students where I would be challenged harder with the school work I would do.
  • I Broke 2 Fingers

    One being during PE playing basketball and the other playing football before school.
  • My Cousin's Born

    My Cousin's Born
    My cousin Drew is born as the first New Year baby at Good Sam Hospital.
  • I Won a Good Character Award

    I was nominated by Mrs. Riddle for having good character.
  • Drivers License

    Drivers License
    I get my drivers license and I'm allowed to drive without restrictions.
  • SAT

    I took the SAT to greater my chances of getting into a better college.
  • Begin College Visits

    I travel to find colleges to get a good look at the path I want to take in the future.
  • Acceptance Letter

    I get accepted into a college that will lead me on the right path.
  • Graduation

    I graduate west being the class of 2024 and now I'm off to college.
  • My First Car

    My First Car
    I buy my first car with my saved up money.
  • College

    I go to college to become a Pediatrician.
  • My First Apartment

    I rent an apartment with my friends during my college years.
  • I Get Married

    I Get Married
    I'm not really sure to whom but I will be married; hopefully.
  • My First House

    My First House
    I buy my first house with whoever I'm married to.
  • My First Kid

    I have a kid with whomever my wife is.
  • First Job

    First Job
    I get my first job as a pediatrician after three years of residency.
  • My Second Kid

    I have my second kid
  • My Third Kid

    I have my third kid.
  • I Sell My House

    I sell my house getting ready to move.
  • Coaching

    I start coaching my kids in their sports.
  • I Move

    I Move
    I move to Colorado which was always my dream place to live.
  • WW3 Starts

    WW3 Starts
    WW3 breaks out after the North Korea heat comes back and they drop a bomb on Los Angeles.
  • WW3 Ends

    It's now the end of the war with America coming home with the victory.
  • My Dad Dies

    My dad sadly dies at 80 years old.
  • My Mom Dies

    My mom sadly dies at age 85.
  • Grandparent

    I become a grandparent when my first child gave birth.
  • Period: to


    I have more grandkids.
  • I Retire

    I Retire
    I retire from my job after 65 years of work.
  • Summer Home

    I buy a home in Florida for the summer because I love the warmth as well as the cold.
  • My Wife Dies

    My Wife Dies
    She dies I don't know at what age but yeah.
  • I DIE

    I DIE
    I die, I don't know what age but I die.