My life

  • I was born

  • my christening

    my christening
    i was really stressed.
  • my grandmother and brothers

    my grandmother and brothers
    with my grandmother Susana, middle brother Daniel and oldest brother Sergio
  • My first christmas

    My first christmas
    i was really happy
  • my first birthday

    my first birthday
    i received too much gifts
  • my brother's birthday

    my brother's birthday
    he was 4 years old
  • with my cousin at her birthday

    with my cousin at her birthday
    we were in my mom's school
  • my 2nd birthday

    my 2nd birthday
    i received super cool gifts
  • visiting my brother at school

    i was really sad because i missed my brother so my father took me to his school
  • my first photoshoot

    my first photoshoot
    i was super excited
  • my 7th birthday

    my 7th birthday
    i remember i took this photo with the nintendo i got for my birthday.
  • my primary graduation

    my primary graduation
    i remecer i was really nervous to go into secondary, my brother graduated from secondary
  • i bought concerti tickets for my favorite band

    i bought concerti tickets for my favorite band
    i was super super excited because maroon 5 was mas favorite band since 2009 and i waited too mucho for this.
  • my first boyfriend

    my first boyfriend
    it was one of the best days of my life.
  • my father's birthday

    my father's birthday
    he turned 40, i remember it was a pijama party
  • at my cousins wedding

    it was a very special day for everyone
  • my boyfriend moved to Spain

    i was super sad because i didn't wanted him to go
  • my best friends

    carlota and ruth