My Life

By 3000076
  • My Birth

    My Birth
    The picture is my first ever Christmas.
  • Cousin Birth

    Cousin Birth
    My cousin was born.
  • Sister Birth

    Sister Birth
    My sister was born.
  • Stella Came Home

    Stella Came Home
    My dog, Stella came home and is still alive to this day.
  • First Computer

    I was the only one who was allowed to use it.
  • Started Reading

    Started Reading
    The first series I read and what got me into reading was Harry Potter.
  • SCET

    The letter from SCET arrvied and I started school at Jewel.
  • Tok'ra Death

    Tok'ra Death
    My dog Tok'ra died.
  • The Beginning Of The End

    The Beginning Of The End
    I discovered anime and DDLC.
  • Height and Voice

    I grew taller than my Mom and my voice got deeper.
  • High School Classes

    I chose my classes and clubs at West High.
  • Started High School

    It was fun until it wasn't.
  • Presidential Election

    The first female President, Martha Hall.
  • Moving

    My family and I are moving away but staying in the district.
  • Joined a Club

    As a junior, I joined a club.
  • Graduation from High School

    I wished I was less social.
  • Going to College

    I start going to college.
  • My First College Party

    I had fun but really wish I hadn't gone.
  • Aftermath of The College Party

    I met a lot of people there.
  • My First Girlfriend

    From the party.
  • My First Breakup

    The toilet seat belongs on the wall.
  • My Second Girlfriend

    She agrees with the toilet seat being on the wall.
  • Graduation from College

    I came out with a Medical Doctorate.
  • My Girlfriend and I move.

    We move into our own house.
  • Engaged

    My girlfriend and I went on a trip to Hawaii where I proposed.
  • My Girlfriend (Wife) and I got married

    We have been together so long.
  • Our First Kid

    His name is James.
  • Our Second Kid

    Her name is Ashley.
  • My 50th Birthday

    I am half a century old.
  • My Parents Pass Away

    The same day, different hours.
  • I Develop Arthritis

    It sucks to get out of bed.
  • Back to Gaming and Anime

    I get back into video gaming and Anime.
  • Mini-Stroke

    I have a mini-stroke that just got worse.
  • My Death

    My Death
    I had a stroke from watching too much anime and playing too many video games.