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My Crazy Life

  • I was born

    I was born
  • Elizabeth Monique Dube born

    Elizabeth Monique Dube born
  • started elementary school

    started elementary school
  • diagnosed with epilepsy

  • diagnosed with ADHD

    diagnosed with ADHD
  • First Holy Communion

    First Holy Communion
  • Mom and Dad's marriage starts falling apart

  • dad's suicide attempt

  • Mom and Dad divorce

    Mom and Dad divorce
  • outgrow epilepsy

  • graduated elementary school

  • started middle school

    started middle school
  • dad's girlfriend moves in

  • diagnosed with Celiac Disease

  • diagnosed with Severe Anxiety and Clinical Depression

  • graduate middle school

  • started high school

  • diagnosed with Von Willibrand's Disease

  • Mom gets remarried

    Mom gets remarried
  • my first serious relationship begins

    my first serious relationship begins
  • Elizabeth moves in with Dad permenantly

  • my first serious relationship ends

    my first serious relationship ends
  • graduate high school

  • start college

  • graduate college

  • pursue teaching career

    pursue teaching career
  • get married

    get married
  • adopt or have first child

    adopt or have first child
  • adopt or have second child

    adopt or have second child
  • adopt or have third child

    adopt or have third child

  • I die peacefully in my sleep before my husband or children

    I die peacefully in my sleep before my husband or children