My Life

  • Birth

    The day that I was brought into this world.
  • Period: to

    Before School

    I played sports and had to get swimming lessons because of what happened. Traveled around the Midwest with family.
  • First Birthday

    One full year into my life
  • My first big event

    When I broke my head open doing something dumb.
  • First day of the 13 year Journey

    The first day of my school years
  • Moving To Monticello

    I moved to Monticello to live with my dad after living in Michigan City
  • Turning 10 years old

    The day that I have lived for a decade.
  • My First Broken Bone

    I broke my finger jumping on a trampoline
  • The last Leg of the Journey

    The first day of me being a highschooler
  • Period: to

    My Highschool Journey

    The things I have done since entering High School. I have made Memories with friends being one of the smartest in my grade and got varsity for the sports that I do but there have been downs too.