My Begining
I was born on April 6,2002 it was the greatest day of my parents life because they because they always wanted a girl and they finally got one when they were able to take me home alot of people were there and that day was my begining -
My Name
When I was born ofcouse my parents had to think of a name and after thinking it though that picked the name janet but my mom added more to it so my full name is Janet Guadalupe Dimas-Guel -
Period: to
My life
first Halloween
it was cool my brothers were dressed up as power rangers they ere sooo cute and funny looking at the same time -
First Christmas
On that day was really cool because my parenst therw a party and my dad made a pinata -
First New Years
On that day was my first new years i was with my parents and other people were there to and it was cool i guess i didnt know i was a baby -
My first Brithday
It was my first brithday it was awsome a lot of my cousins were there but it was mostly all my aunts,uncles,and cousins who lived here in navasota not my cousins from like mexico or gorgia but it was still cool -
My brothers
when i was little i always went to my brothers room they had always let me go in there and it is awsome so yeah my brothers are awsome they do lots of cool stuff and i want to be like them -
Love of Video Games
When i was 5 my big brothers played video games all the time and i was always there watching them play and i tried it for my self and i strted playing more and more and i loved it thats why i love video games so much -
On my second day of school i started make friends i made a lot like Karina,Lorena,Mya,Marina,Betsy,Jenifer,Etc but we are all great friends even today -
First day of school
(forgot the date) My frist day of school was awsome it was pre-k and i really didnt make a lot of friends on the first day but i was just so happy that it was my first day at first i was really happy but the more time you go to school the more times you want to fall asleep -
Little Brother
On this day my little brother Angle was born and he was so cute even tho i could go in to see my mom and the baby hes was still cute but now he is still cute but annoying -
little bro's first Brithday and my our b-day party
So my parents therw a party for me and my little bro but i wanted my baby brother to get more attion so i was just in my room with my cousins and friends it was still a cool party cause i got a lot of money LOL -
My first job
So when my mom still didnt work she would stay home taking care of kids and when i would come home i would take care of them to while my mom wolud cook and stuff and we would both get payed so that was cool -
love of Anime
So when i was little i would always go to my brothers room and one day i saw them watch anime it was SAO (Sowrd Art Online) and i loved it so i started watching anime. (Most of the stuf i like it is because of my brothers LOL) -
love for drawing
When i was little i liked drawing but not a lot then i started seeing a ot of really cool drawings and i have wanted to draw like that ever since so i really took an interst in drawing -
Making my first pinata
Befor Christmas it was kind a tradion to make pinatas and i mean make them so i made one with my dads's help ofcouse we always make pinatas for like easter or christmas but it was really fun -
So it was time to open prestnts and i got what i wanted a pokemon game and a jacket thats not girly so i was really happy but i also got a teddy bear form my little brother and i gave him a 3DS game -
New friend
This day is when i met my new friend Dafni she has been through a lot but me and my best friend Marina helped her get though them -
My birthday
So when i got to school every one was already in the gym and i went to the gym and when i got there my friends were singing me happy birthday and i dint want to tell them that it was my brithday cause idk i just didnt want to know but without me telling them they new and that made me really happy -
finishing my favorite game
So my favorite game Undertale is over and you can get two diffrent endings but it depens it you want to spare monsters or kill them but i piked save them and i had an awsome ending