My Life

  • I Was Born

  • I Begin School At Burdick

  • My Mom Gives Away One Of Our Dogs.

    My mother gave away my dog Benny because she thought we couldn't take care of him and his behavior.
  • Diesel Is Hit By A Car.

    During construction and cold weather my dog Diesel escapes onto a busy road, inevitably getting hit and barely surviving due to drivers not bothering to help my mom rushes him to the vet. At some point also in that day a car hits her and fractures her leg.
  • I Get A PS4

    My mom gives me a white PS4 bundled with Destiny.
  • My Mother Moves to Nevada.

    My mom leaves for a while to live in Nevade.
  • I Meet My Group Of Friends

    Around this time I meet the group of friends that I've had fun talking to and hanging out with ever since.
  • My Mother Returns From Nevada.

    I think at around this time she returned from Nevada.
  • I Get My Own Laptop.

    Around this time I got my own laptop to use.
  • My Father Brings Home My Mother's Husky.

    Around this time my dad surprises me by dumping my mother's husky Diesel in my room.