My life

  • Born

    Two weeks early, I was born in Mesa Arizona two days before Christmas.
  • Got my first pet

    Got my first pet
    I begged everyday for about a year for a puppy, my parents finally gave in and we got a standstard poodle. Her name is Bella and she is now 11 years old.
  • Went to Rocky Point

    Went to Rocky Point
    During summer I went to Mexico with all my neighbors.
  • Went on first cruise

    Went on first cruise
    My family and I went on a cruise in Hawaii and visited Maui, Oahu, and Kauai.
  • First Surgery

    First Surgery
    I have never broken a bone or ever had any major injury, until the first day of summer going into 6th grade. I had bad stomach pains and after going to the hospital I found out i had appendicits. I then had my first surgery to get my appendix removed.
  • Treveled by myself for the first time

    Treveled by myself for the first time
    I went to visit my Uncle and Aunt in New Jersey and had to go on an airplane by myself for the first time.
  • Went out of the country

    Went out of the country
    The first and only time I've been in a different country was when I visited my friend In New York and we drove to Niagra Falls.
  • Started High School

    Started High School
  • First time in Florida

    First time in Florida
    For fall break I went to Disneyworld with my family in Orlando, Florida.
  • Got license

    Got license
    After waiting a couple hours at the DMV and going through hours of driving school I passed my drivers test on the first try!
  • First Job

    First Job
    I got my first job at VIK summer camp. It was so much fun and I will be working there next summer as well.
  • Went to Seattle

    Went to Seattle
    My friend Tiffany moved from New York to Seattle and I visited her over summer and we got to see many cool things including the Space Needle.
  • Best friend moved

    Best friend moved
    I met my best friend Destin freshman year then at the beginning of junior year she moved back to her home in Arkansas.
  • Got into my first car accident

    Got into my first car accident
    Trying to leave the school parking lot I turned my wheels too early and hit the car parked next to me while backing out.
  • Graduate High School

    Graduate High School