purchased my first book
it was Junie b jones and a little monkey business. i was very proud that i was able to buy the book myself! i remember the exact date because i got money for my birthday, and my mom took me the day after to go buy the book! -
purchased my first E reader!
after i received my first paycheck, the first thing i did after cashing my paycheck was going to target to purchase my Nook! -
got into honors english
fell in love with the story "oh the places you'll go" by Dr. seuss
my english teacher read this to my class right before graduation and it brought myself and most of my classmates to tears! it's a wonderful book for graduation, which is logical considering it was originally written as a graduation speech that Dr. seuss had given at a college graduation! -
purcahsed my first college textbook
it was peter rabbit for my childrens lit course that i was taking! -
got a 100% on my first college english paper
my professor didn't like me very much, but she wasn't able to criticize my work, which i think drove her nuts! -
passed both my childrens lit and english classes with A's
Ran the reading incentive program at my daycare
I started a reading program through scholastic that rewarded kids with books if they completed their reading logs each month. They would get the book we had been working on for the last month if they completed their reading log. -
Started a reading club at my daycare center
In mid 2016 I started a book club at my daycare center. The children bring in a book with a different theme each week and we read them together. -
Ran the book fair at my daycare center
In December of 2017 I was in charge of the book fair at my daycare. This didn’t just include setting up everything. I had big group readings that I did featuring some books that parents could purchase.