My Life

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    What can i say is my birthday so i dont remember it.
  • My Brothers Birth

    My Brothers Birth
    The day that my brother was born is one of my favopurite days cause i remember how i enter de hospital room shoutintg to my mum where was my brother.
  • Salamanca

    THe best trip i made with the school, i made a very good relasionship with my classmates and also learn a lot about salamanca.
  • My Own Kerchief

    My Own Kerchief
    Some years ago, before being in Montañeros i was in a scout group. This photo if from the wekend i won my own Kerchief, there this liitle thing meaned that we were moving on in life, that we were growing up. I still got it cause my monitors there where my cousins and i love how the group raise me and teached me.
  • My first time in a Zoo

    My first time in a Zoo
    I love animals, so obviuosly i have to put any photo with animals. The first time i wnet to a zoo i was sasd cause i didn´t like to see those poor animals trapted there but also i was very happy beacuse i can see them i learn a little bit about them.
  • The First Football Tournamen I Won.

    The First Football Tournamen I Won.
    when i was 11 years old we played a football tournament and we won, is special cause was a team where i used to play with my friends and i remember it with good feelings.
  • The Arrival of my Dog

    The Arrival of my Dog
    One day before my birthday my parents bring home this liitle dog call Layka and she stay with us till now a days and i pray some more years too.
  • First Trip With My Friends

    First Trip With My Friends
    Was the first trip we organised and we have a lot of fun and also we meet a lot of people
  • My first camps as a Montañeros monitor.

    My first camps as a Montañeros monitor.
    For my is very special because i love the spirit that gave me Montañeros some years ago and i wanted to give the same energy to those kids.
  • Vitorias Fiestas de La Blanca

    This year i have knew i a lot of fabulous people this photograph is called The Grandpa with his Grandkids. I cant upload the image i dont know why.