My Life

  • My Birthday

    The day I came to be.
  • My Sister's Birthday

    My Sister's Birthday
    The day my little sister/best friend came to be. Life wouldn't be the same without her.
  • Graduation

    One stepping stone further along in life.
  • Shawnee State University

    I decided where I wanted to attend college and further my education earlier in the year and began this journey late August.
  • I said "YES!"

    I said "YES!"
    One of the most memorable and exciting days. I said "YES!" to marrying my best friend.
  • Wedding Day

    A week ago from this past Saturday, I married the man of my dreams. One of the best days of my life!
  • Phonics EDRE2204

    This semester I hope to learn how to teach kids how to read by breaking it down through phonics, writing, spelling, etc. I am excited for this class and am looking forward to learning new things!