My Life

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    The day is was born was the most amazing day ever because I was born! I was born at 4:36 pm on Tuesday.My mom's friend,Lee, my grandparents,and my nana who was on the phone were the first people to meet me.
  • Period: to

    My So Called Life

  • 1st Halloween

    1st Halloween
    On my first Halloween, I was Minnie Mouse.My dad was Shovel Man.My grandma was there with my cousins and uncle.
  • 1st Christmas

    1st Christmas
    For my first Christmas I got clothes and a car ball pit.All of my family came and I got lots of other gifts too.After we opened all of our gifts,we had a ham.
  • Turning 1!

    Turning 1!
    On my first birthday, my family from both sides of my family came.My cousin, Rugger, tried to steal all of my gifts. I ended the day with a smile on my face and cake in my hair.
  • First Sport

    First Sport
    When I was 4 i was in gymnastics.It was super fun and always tired me out.It was fun playing on the bars.
  • First Day of Kindergarden

    First Day of Kindergarden
    The first day of kindergarden we got stickers with our names on it. I went to Tomek Eastern Elementary in Fenton,MI. I remember riding the Bunny bus home.
  • Best Friend

    Best Friend
    I met my best friend, Dow.She came from Thailand and couldn't speak English very well.I helped her learn English.
  • Marriage!

    My mom and dad got married in Florida on the beach.I got to be the flower girl and ring bear.It was kinda cold and windy and I kept coughing during the reception.
  • Ballet

    When I was 7 I wanted to be a ballerina when I grew up. I had a pink tutu and black tights.I loved to plie and jump around.
  • Dakota Is Born

    Dakota Is Born
    My very annyoing little sister was born.Since I had been an only child for about 8 years, it was very weird to have a small person living with me. My little sister is now 6 years old.
  • First Upside Down Rollercoaster

    First Upside Down Rollercoaster
    My first upside down was the corkscrew.I remember being really nervous waiting in line.My dad told me stories of when he would go and wait in line for hours to ride the Corkscrew.
  • Divorced

    Not even a half a year later after my parents had married,they got a divorce.It was really hard on me.I didn't want to move schools and i told my parents that I would refuse doing school work,and threatened to runaway.
  • My First Concert

    My First Concert
    My first concert was Paramore and Fall Out Boy.I remember the blinding lights and my heart beat becoming one with the bass.My dad told me.
  • Look Out !

    Look Out !
    In the summer time my had broken his arms and needed to clean the garage.We lived on a dirt road,so he told me to back out the car.When i sat in the divers seat,it was super weird.
  • A New Father

    A New Father
    My mother marries my step-father,Eric.We had the wedding at my aunts house.The dress I had to wear was really uncomfortable.
  • My Brother Is Born

    My Brother Is Born
    My brother was born around 6 pm.I remember being picked up early from school by my step-father.He told me that my mother was being induced and that we had to go get my moms bag.After my brother was born he changed my life,he made me much more happier.
  • Homecoming 2015

    Homecoming 2015
    My first dance at Holly High School was the 2015 Homecoming.It was really weird to see everyone in heavy make-up and classy clothes.The food was also very good.