• I was born

  • Period: to

    My life

  • Brother was born

    On this day my brother was born.
  • Moved into my house in Linden

    This is the day when i moved into my house in Linden. I moved from Holly.
  • When I cracked my head open

    On this day my brother dropped a big flash light down a laundry chout and it shattered my glasses and cracked my head open.
  • Soccer

    Started playing soccer. It was hard because i had to learn everything at once.
  • My parents got divorced

    My parents got divorced
    This is the day when my parents got divorced. My dad was the one to tell me. I felt sad.
  • I moved again

    I moved into my house in Fenton with my mom. I didn't really like the house because it was small.
  • Moved schools

    I moved from Fenton school to Holly. I was happy because my mom had like 15-20 cats.
  • Moved again

    I moved in with my dad. I was happy because my mom had like 15-20 cats.
  • Met my friend

    On this day I met my friend Ashton. I met him at soccer. We both like soccer and video games.
  • My arm

    On this day my brother and I were playing a game. when my brother opened my door wall my dog ran out and his tooth got caught on my arm and ripped it open. It hurt for a moment but after i had it tied up and in the air it started to feel fine. Then I went to go get stitches. I got 2 stitches and it hurt when they tryed to get them in.
  • High School Soccer

    High School Soccer
    This day I tried out for the High School J.V. soccer team. On this day I was happy.
  • School

    I started going to Holly High School
  • My phone

    I got my new phone. I was so excited.