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By rafco76
  • Rafael´s birth

    Rafael´s birth
    I was born in CELAD clinic at 3 o´clock PM
  • Period: to

    Rafael´s home

    I have lived in La Dorada, Caldas all my life
  • Period: to

    Primary school

    I did my primary school in two schools, in Liceo Moderno and Liceo Infantil Personitas
  • Period: to

    High school

    I did the high school in a military school
  • Science fair

    Science fair
    I participated in the science fair in the school ISNALDO
  • Period: to

    Military service

    I did the military service in Colombian air force
  • Period: to


    I have worked in a restaurant, a bar and a farm
  • Trip to San Andres

    Trip to San Andres
    I traveled to San Andres on vacations with my family
  • Period: to

    English course

    I studied english in a academy of La Dorada
  • Flower fair

    Flower fair
    I went to flower fair in Medellin, Antioquia
  • Play soccer

    Play soccer
    I have play soccer in pinocho court
  • Trip to Santander

    Trip to Santander
    I traveled to Santander with my family to visit my grandparents.
  • Period: to

    Study in the SENA

    I have studied technology in livestock production during one year and six months