My life

  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born in "L'hospital de la maternitat" in Barcelona, Spain. My father is called Jordi and my mother is called Isabel.
  • Kindergarten

    When I was one,I started to go to a kindergarten called Hamelin, where I made friends that I still have. Also, I broke my leg.
  • School

    With three years, I started to go to the school Bogatell, where I will study for nine years.
  • My sister's birth

    My sister, called Mar, was born in "L'hospitak de la maternitat" too.
  • Primary school

    With six years, I started primary school at bogatell.
  • Basket

    With seven years, in second of primary I started to play basket in the school
  • High school

    High school
    With eleven years I started high school in a centre called Icaria where I still studing now.
  • Roser

    With eleven years I started to play basketball in a basketball club called Roser, in Barcelona.