Period: to
Infancy -- Erik Erikson (0-1 years)
First stage of Erikson's developmental model. This stage has to do with having trust vs mistrust in your caretakers depending on if your basic needs are met. -
Period: to
Sensorimotor Stage 0-2
Learn how the world works through senses and simple movements: (looking, hearing, touching, licking, and grasping). Get object permanence (peekaboo stops fooling you) -
I was born in Carle Hospital in Champaign IL. -
Spend most of my time chilling in the crib
According to my parents, my favorite activities at this age were to sit in my baby walker and listen to my dad's rendition of "I'm a little teapot" many times a day. -
Period: to
Early Childhood -- Erikson (1-3)
During this stage, you are supposed to develop a sense of independence in tasks. Autonomy vs Shame/doubt -
Started early learning/preschool
I did not spend much time in early learning, because my parents had fairly flexible schedules and were able to spend more time with me. Apparently, I had a rough time when my parents would leave and would cry quite a bit. On a good note, that probably meant that I trusted my parents quite a bit! -
Period: to
Preoperational 2-7
Egocentric thinking, value myself over others-self preservation. Talking much more clearly and making rules. Creative! Able to turn every day objects into incredible images in your imagination. You also begin to have gender role awareness, and media will most likely be the factor that makes you take gender roles for granted. -
Period: to
Preschool/Play age -- Erikson (3-6)
The child will take initiative to do certain things that are enjoyable to them! Initiative vs. guilt -
Started Elementary School
Starting school! Generally I was pretty industrious, but I lacked confidence when it came to performing in front of groups of people, no matter how inconsequential it was. Also, I've been told that I was very stubborn, and if I didn't want to do something I would do it with little enthusiasm. I also found myself being moody and generally irritable during these ages, and would sometimes be disobedient. -
Period: to
School Age -- Erikson (7-11)
Develop self confidence in activities that the child is good at and doubt and inferiority in things that the child is less good at. Industry vs Inferiority -
Period: to
Concrete Operational Stage
Get more empathy, stop being so ego-centric. Understand that everything around them is never-changing and can sort objects by different parameters. Start to understand and think about more complex ideas like death. -
Started Middle School
Started middle school at Countryside school in Champaign IL. I met a lot of people there including Kenji! Overall, I started to understand who I was a lot better, and was able to control my emotions more easily. -
Period: to
Formal Operational
Final stage of cognitive development. You can think now! Still continue to develop intelligence throughout your life, but this is piaget's idea of the final stage. -
Period: to
Adolescence--Erikson (12-18)
Develop your identity! Identity vs Confusion. Some teens may feel as though they have an imaginary audience, that is feeling stressed as if everybody is always watching you. This might cause confusion and anxiety. -
Began Puberty
I started to go through puberty. This was during the pandemic, so it is a little blurred in my memory. Generally, I remember feeling more moody and my body started to change: gained weight, started growing facial hair, voice started to drop. This is because of increased testosterone in men. -
Started High School
First day of high school at Champaign Central High School. Coming to high school widened my horizons and helped me to step outside of my comfort zone in many ways. Emotionally, these 4 years will help me to understand who I am and to develop emotionally greatly. -
Get very interested in rock climbing
Start to get hobbies that I am truly passionate about in high school. I experiment with all the different types of climbing, and with this experimentation comes the mantra that fear is normal, and it can be thought of as excitement. -
Begin College at UIUC
I will start my bachelor's degree in Psychology, maybe with a minor/double major in Economics. I am interested in why and how people make decisions. College will help me to understand more about learning, people, and myself. I hope to pick up new hobbies while still participating in the ones that I have done in high school. -
Graduating High School/Turning 18
Graduating high school and turning 18 will mark my transition to adulthood and independence, and I will begin to use independence to travel with my friends to go camping. -
Period: to
Early Adulthood-- Erikson (19-29)
This is when you're supposed to begin to establish intimacy with others. Intimacy vs isolation -
Graduate from College
Start Graduate Program
I will start a graduate program to get my master's degree -
First real job
I hope to get a job where I can maintain a decent work-life balance and where I feel as though I have purpose. I will probably also go through a midlife crisis at this time, depending on how much I like the job. -
Get Married
Hopefully at this point I will find someone who I am interested in getting married to, and I will get married. I do not plan on having a big wedding, but I would rather just get married for the tradition/status. -
Buy a house
Hopefully I will be able to buy a house and find a more permanent place to live with a job I am comfortable staying in. I will be very excited to own a house of my own, and will probably spend much of my time decking it out with cool decorations. -
Period: to
Middle Age -- Erikson (30-64)
Contribute to society, work a job, start a family. Generativity vs Stagnation. -
Have Twins
I will probably have twins because I most likely have the fraternal twin gene. I will be happy with having 2 kids, as I see this as a perfect number -
Move houses
I would move houses to accommodate for more children. Hopefully I will be making good money in my job and will have a happy relationship with my wife. -
Raise my children
I hope to give my children a good life, where they feel supported in anything that they decide to try out. I might encourage them to participate in things that I wish that I tried when I was a child, such as playing more sports or getting proficient at an instrument. Overall, I just hope that they will want to try new things as much as possible. -
Start to find and enjoy hobbies that I can enjoy into my older age. Something to keep me busy! -
Testosterone Levels begin to decrease
My testosterone will start to dip, which will change the way that my fat and muscle are distributed through my body. It will also cause me to have less progress with physical activities. It might also cause depression or other emotional symptoms -
Get Hearing Aid
As I age, my body will decline and I will need supportive tools like a hearing aid or glasses. I hope that there will be nothing that is too intrusive on my everyday life. -
I will retire and live happily spending my time volunteering or pursuing my hobbies. -
I hope to die surrounded by people that love me. I want to have an impact on those around me by being kind. I hope to die peacefully, of no condition in particular. I would prefer to die in a more mellow environment than a hospital, I do not want to suffer during my death.