Date of Birth
I was born on January 7, 2003. At Quetzaltenango, Guatemala.
I weighted 4 pounds and was 6 months old. -
My first Birthday Cake
When I was 1 year old, my parents made a huge cake for me, it had a big Elmo on it. They say I didn't like the cake but the gifts. -
We moved Away
My parents bought a new house, I lived there for 15 years. -
I went to School
I started attending school when I was 3 years old, at Beehive School -
I finished Nursery
I finished Nursery at the same school and started Kindergarden. -
I graduated from Kindergarden
I finished Kindergarden and started Elementary School at the same school. -
My Grandpa passed away/ My Sister was borned
5/12/2011 My Grandpa passed away after a fight with cancer, it was a painful goodbye for all. 11/27/2012 My little sister was born, she is cute with everyone, and that's what I love about her. -
Greatest Vacations of all
I went to LA for almost 2 and a half months, I met new places, I've never even knew about -
I Graduated from Elementary School
I fnished Elementary at Beehive School, and started Middle School -
I Traveled Solo Mode
I Traveled alone and spent half of my vacations at my Uncle and Aunt's house.