• My birthday!

    My birthday!
    I was born in Vitoria on San Fermín.
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    my first home

    For the first two years of my life, I lived with my parents in a small apartment in Vitoria. However, as our family grew, my parents started planning our move.
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    Before going to Carmelitas Sagrado Corazón, I spent more than a year in daycare, because my parents had to work, so I couldn't stay with them.
  • we moved!

    we moved!
    Before my brother was born, we moved to a house in a village near Vitoria called Arrieta. I still live there nowadays. What I really enjoy is the connection with the neighbours I have since I was a kid, I think it is really special.
  • my brother's birthday

    my brother's birthday
    My little brother Axel was born one day after my first birthday.
  • my first day at Sagrado Corazón

    my first day at Sagrado Corazón
    When I was two, I started going to school to Sagrado Corazón, and it has lasted until today. I am really grateful for my school, as it has watched me grow since I was a baby.
  • Vacation in France

    Vacation in France
    Every year since I was 1 I spend my summer holidays at my grandparents beach house in France. I have great memories with my family there, especially because we often celebrated our birthdays there.
  • my first day of kindergarten

    my first day of kindergarten
    After one year in the school's daycare, I started kindergarten there too. It wasn't too big of a change, since I already knew the people in my class. I remember being very exited to see my friends again.
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  • my first day of Primary School

    my first day of Primary School
    I have really good memories of Primary School, especially of the last two years, when I was a bit older. It was where I made many of my current friends.
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    Primary School

  • my parents' divorce

    When I was in my third year of primary school, my parents got divorced.
  • London trip

    London trip
    Going to London on holiday is one of the most memorable trips of my life. My mom kept it a surprise until we were at the airport, so that definitely added to my excitement. I think it was even more magical because we went on December and everything was decorated for Christmas.
  • my first day of secondary school

    When I started 1st ESO, I was very exited, but especially nervous. I had been looking forward to it for a long time!
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    Secondary School

    This were some of my best years in school, but also the hardest. I studied really hard. Overall, I made many everlasting memories during clasess and field trips.
  • Covid

    On March 2020, a pandemic hit and we were all in quarantine for three months. This period was hard, not only because we couldn't leave our homes, but because we had a lot of schoolwork to do.
  • Erasmus trip to Berlin

    Erasmus trip to Berlin
    I had the chance to go on Erasmus with the school for a week. We went to Berlin and had a great time. I especially remember many happy moments with my fellow spanish students. It was an unforgettable experience. We visited many places and enjoyed every moment of our stay.
  • First day of highschool

    First day of highschool
    On my first day of highschool, I was very nervous. All of our previous teachers had talked about how hard it was, but I ended up enjoying most of it and creating many lasting memories.
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    Even though everyone says highschool is the hardest part of school, I have found it to be the easiest. I think that is because I actually enjoy all of my subjects now, and I'm able to study what I like. It has been challenging, but definitely more enjoyable than ESO.