My Life

  • Date of birth

    Date of birth
    Born at 1:25 pm
  • Period: to

    Elementary/Middle School Years

    Attended Wanaque Elementary School.
  • First skin graft

    First skin graft
    To remove birthmark from my foot/ankle.
  • Started doing TaeKwonDo

    Started doing TaeKwonDo
    Third grade
  • Started playing field hockey

    Started playing field hockey
    Fifth grade
  • Earned black belt in Tae Kwon Do

    Earned black belt in Tae Kwon Do
    12 years old
  • Final skin graft

    Final skin graft
    Birthmark finally removed
  • Period: to

    High School Years

  • Received Varsity Letter

    Received Varsity Letter
    Sophomore year fencing
  • My first concert

    My first concert
    a href='' >5 Seconds of Summer</a>
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation